Saturday, February 28, 2015

6 Ideas To Make Money Fun For Kids

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      6 Ideas To Make Money Fun For Kids

6 Ideas To Make Money Fun For Kids
Instilling good money habits in your children is arguably one of life's most important lessons. Fortunately, with today's technology, there are many ways to make learning about money fun for kids of all ages.

Teaching your kids about money should start as early as possible. "As soon as your child starts asking for things, I think it's time for them to understand that things cost money," says Anton Simunovic, founder of, a website dedicated to teaching kids about money management.

But what lessons should you start with? Neale Godfrey, author of Money Still Doesn't Grow on Trees: A Parent's Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Children, suggests beginning with the concept that money must be earned. "There's no entitlement program in life," she says. "Kids need to know that they can't just whine for a toy in a store and automatically get it."

As kids begin to learn about money, parents shouldn't feel intimidated. "The topic of money shouldn't be something that's taboo," says Jayne Pearl, author of Kids and Money Guide to Learning Capital. If you're uncomfortable talking about it, she says, it won't be an enjoyable experience for the kids.

You should also be careful not to argue about money in front of your kids. "If the parents are constantly arguing about money, their children are going to view money as a source of stress," says Jon Gallo, who coauthored the book The Financially Intelligent Parent with his wife, Eileen.

Starting to feel a little less anxious? Here are six more ideas for making money fun for kids:

1. Use cash. Showing kids purchases with a credit card won't do much good, the Gallos say. "Don't [buy items] on credit cards or with checks, because that's completely abstract," says Eileen Gallo. "Let your kids hold the money and see the money leaving their hands."

2. Utilize a piggy bank for the 21st century. A traditional one-slit piggy bank doesn't teach kids much about money management, says Susan Beacham, CEO and cofounder of Money Savvy Generation in Lake Bluff, Ill., a company that helps parents and educators teach children to make good money choices. 

"A lot of times, piggy banks make kids very distrustful," she says. "If kids can't see through it, they don't trust that the money is in there." So Beacham developed the Money Savvy Pig, a see-through piggy bank with four slots: save, spend, donate, and invest. With the Money Savvy Pig, kids learn that money isn't just accumulated to buy things.

3. Take advantage of the Web. The Internet is full of age-specific money games for kids. Just last year, Sesame Street and a bank teamed up to create fun videos and games that teach kids about money. Many children will find it easy and exciting to learn about money from Elmo and his friends.

Pearl recommends, which has an array of child-friendly tools and games centered on money.

4. Let them play games. Beacham says games are an excellent tool for approaching the topic of money with kids. "Games become something you can use to open the discussion, so it's not always you preaching about money," she says. Grade-school children can play Planet Orange at In the game, kids travel through the planets by completing certain jobs to earn money for gas.

MassMutual, a financial advisory group based in Springfield, Mass., developed Save! The Game, an app for the iPad and iPhone that teaches kids the difference between wants and needs—a critical financial lesson, says Pearl.

However, Simunovic of expressed one concern: "I'm not a huge believer that games are going to teach our kids a whole lot about the way money is used in the real world."

5. Empower them to manage their own money. Let your child play an active role in how money is used by offering them an allowance. But consistency is important: Many parents promise an allowance to their kids but don't deliver. If parents forget to pay the allowance, children learn that money promises can be broken. Beacham says this can potentially lead the child to think somewhere down the road, "Hmm, maybe I don't have to pay my credit-card bill on time this month."

Pearl adds that while an allowance can be tied to certain household chores, it shouldn't be used to discourage bad behavior (i.e., for every day you don't kick your brother, I'll give you P10).

6. Encourage them to give back. Giving to charity is fun for kids because they are instinctual givers, says Beacham. In addition to having your child donate money (to a charity of their choice), make philanthropy more enjoyable by getting the whole family involved. Volunteer together or participate in a fundraiser at the neighborhood park.

Above all, don't be afraid to talk to your kids about money. Says Godfrey: "Our kids see us handling money every day, but we often forget to talk to them about what we're doing."

Quick and Dirty Ways of Choice

by John Gogas on January 19, 2012

Dirty Minds: 5 Sex Myths Bashed By Brain Science

We've heard it time and time again: there are "rules" when it comes to love. You have to act this way (never that way) to attract love. You have to represent your gender-specific planet if you want to nurture and keep it. And you can--no, you must--change up some of your natural inclinations if you want to find any semblance of happiness in your relationship. We hold hard and fast to a lot of ideas when it comes to love and sexual behaviors. But does science actually back them up?
Neuroscience, the study of brains and behavior, is offering us a new lens to view love, sex and parenting. And, as I learned while researching, these new and exciting brain studies are blowing some commonly held ideas about relationships right out of the water.
Love is an emotion.
In my son's kindergarten class, love is classified in the same category as anger, sadness and surprise. They call it an emotion--as do many poets, authors and boy bands. But anyone who has ever been in love knows it's not quite as fleeting as the other items in that emotion group. And neuroscientists have uncovered neuroimaging evidence that suggests love is more of a drive--not unlike our drive for food, drink and sex.
Helen Fisher, an evolutionary biologist who studies love at Rutgers University, recognized that romantic love is a very powerful physical experience. Think about it: your heart may race, your palms may sweat and you may find yourself feeling a little obsessive. And when Fisher found a distinct system in the brain for romantic love, separate from nearby systems implicated in sex and attachment respectively, she concluded that romantic love is a drive there to not only help fuel reproduction but to also help us connect with others. Simply put, romantic love is not just a "nice to have"--it's evolutionary drive. Time to change the kindergarten emotion chart!
Men want sex, women want relationships.
This story is as old as time--we're told from day one that men and women want different things from their co-mingling. Namely, men only want the booty while women want something deep, meaningful and long-term. Despite plenty of anecdotal evidence to discount this notion, we still cling to it. Yet, brain science suggests that there is a lot more variability within one sex than between the two sexes when it comes to relationship behaviors. Not only that, but there is no difference in romantic love's brain signature (that is, the type and areas of brain activity seen when people look at photos of their beloveds) in men and women. Pair those studies with epidemiological and survey data that show that men and women have the exact same reasons for having sex and it's time to rethink this stereotype.
Love and hate are polar opposites.
Going back to that kindergarten emotion chart, love and hate are thought to be polar opposites. They certainly feel that way! But Semir Zeki, one of the pioneers in the love neuroimaging space, decided to see whether he could find a hate signature in the brain. He did--and while he saw some unique brain circuitry light up, he also demonstrated that love and hate share some key brain areas. Zeki admits that the result may be due to the fact that many of his study participants directed their hate toward a past romantic partner--but the old cliché about there being a thin line between love and hate may just be backed up by our brain activity.
Porn appeals only to men.
Our brains, it would seem, are hard-wired for porn. Thomas James, a neuroscientist at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute, says that sexual stimuli create a brain response 2-3 times stronger than any other kind of image he's ever used. This phenomenon is not limited to men. Women's brains also light up like Christmas trees when they check out images that are sexual in nature. Researchers at the Kinsey Institute found that men and women showed some differences in brain activation when they looked at sexual images which led Heather Rupp, the lead researcher on the study, to say that arousal circuitry may be differentially activated in men and women depending on the images. Despite this, however, both sexes rated the images used as equally arousing and looked at them for approximately the same amount of time--suggesting that women also have some appreciation for visual sexual stimuli.
Men are genetically programmed to cheat
If only it were that easy--I'm sure a lot of guilty people would sleep easier tonight! Alas, it's not.
First off, if men were genetically "programmed" to cheat, we wouldn't see as many women skipping out on their partners. But even if we could ignore that little fact, genes are not little generals directing our sexual and mating behaviors. Genes can certainly predispose us to certain behaviors--but ultimately, our large, evolved frontal lobes (implicated in judgment, decision making and empathy) allow us to make a choice, even when temptation seems just too compelling to ignore.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Power within different Languages

Sometime we could not help but to agree that there are power or energy in the script one crafted and words one spoken. You begin to wonder how these different type of languages shape, shade and shake the cultural, believe and pattern of the world and society. For instance, in some Chinese, the worse you would call a name, the less you provoking deity jealousy or likely for divine  intervention and therefore people would rather stay low profile as long safe abode and freed from disasters and mishaps. English on the other hand is a more plan, plane, plain and straight forward medium. Its good to relate matters, analyze and study science with. Take example of the words, Palestine, Pakistan and Parasite. Therefore we must learn more languages to empower. Understand and Change the calling to renew

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Respect the Year of God got Goat

Oh my God. This is the year of goat in Chinese Calendar. I wonder if anyone amazed on how we got here
Therefore, in respect for this, I pledge that please do not eat goat meat or lamb chop during the  reunion dinner. Oh God, what a goat you got?

Goat Year 2015

Sounds as "YOUNG".  The Chinese character of  "Goat" appears as 2 horns uplifted above the hand. There are much to relate with human. Most matters or life forms are gathered in category of what they are in common.  However, this life form scattered and lost when the flocks growing large in numbers of common.
Its important role of the master or Shepard to direct and guide the destiny of this year. Closer match currency sign is Japanese Yen. " Yi " righteous, "Shang" good, "Xiang" goodness, "Xi" Sacrifice, these wordings all consists of "Young" as in the lamb.  Basically it resembles the Silence of Lamb or giving without asking in return. Common greetings on this year are "Xin Nian Kuai Re" Happy New Year/ " Xi Qi Young Young" Joyous and Com pleasant always!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Similarity between festivals

There were something common between different festive seasons naming All Saints, Chin Men, Valentines days, Chinese New Year and Chap Goh May.
One for mimicking the death celebrity, two burning money to tell the truth, three fire crackers to cast the fears, four offering flowers by telling lies and five throwing oranges to make wishes. They are all paying their Prices.

Friday, February 13, 2015

She Bangßang

Privateer shares fun, games at the same time earning Money all together!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Tears were those eyes,
Where their pains hidden in the smiles. And their relationships had  undergone extensive scorches of blazing shines. Indeed Success weren't merely reflections of Failures and striving, struggling of Games but rather They are surviving the fragrance of Fame's fumes instead of storing fumes of Frames!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

AQUARIUMS as in Interior Designs Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions
That Is Really Cool. 

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions
Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Aquariums As Interior Design Solutions

Hope you like some and try them for aesthetic reasons.
Thanks for Reading


Top 5 Bollywood Hotest Actresses
Here they are, the Top 5 Bollywood hotest actresses in Bollywood today.
Kareena Kapoor
Sexy Kareena Kapoor
Katrina Kaif
katrina kaif sexy
Priyanka Chopra
priyanka chopra bikini
Deepika Padukone
Bipasha Basu
bipasha basu


top ten supermodels

1.Heidi klum

top ten supermodels

This German supermodel started out in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and the Victoria's Secret catalog. She also appeared on several T.V. shows and now produces Telivision shows

2.Tyra Banks

top ten supermodels

Tyra started out at 17 years of age in Paris, runway modeling. She later posed for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and is most famous for her work as a Victoria's Secret model. She now has her own talk show.

3.Adriana Lima

top ten supermodels

Adriana was discovered in a local mall in Brasil. She moved to New York and did runway work and appeared on major fashion magazines. She then became a GUESS? girl and a victoria's secret angel.

4.Kate Moss

top ten supermodels

This 32 year old model has been through a lot in her life. She started modeling at 14 and was scriticized for her very thin body. She has graced over 300 magazine covers. She continues to work in 2006

5. Gisele Bundchen
top ten supermodels

Gisele is the world's richest supermodel. She was discovered in Brasil and at a young age moved to New York and started appearing on the cover and in many magazines internationally.

6.Milla Jovovich

top ten supermodels

Milla was discovered at the tender age of 11. At a young age, she appeared on the cover of many magazines which spurred her acting career. She now jumps between acting and modelling

7.Cindy Crawford

top ten supermodels

Cindy Crawford has been featured on the cover of more than 600 magazines worldwide, including Playboy in which she posed nude. She has appeared in films and TV shows and continues to pose for magazines

8. Naomi Campbell

top ten supermodels

Naomi is a british supermodel who first worked the international runways and later posed nude for Playboy. She has has graced over 400 magazine covers. She is also known for her anger problems and feuds

9. Laetitia Casta

top ten supermodels

This french beauty has taken the right steps to become a star. She appeared in GUESS?, Sports Illustrated, Victoria's Secret and L'Oreal. She is now persuing a career on TV and Film.

10. Alessandra Ambrosio

top ten supermodels
Alessandra was discovered in Brazil and has since modelled for Guess?, Victoria's Secret and Christian Dior, just to name a few. She is just getting started, look for her to be higher up in the rankings in a few years.

Miss Turkey Universe 2011
Miss Turkey 2011 is Melisa Asli Pamuk. Melisa was crowned Miss Turkey 2011 on the 2 June 2011 at Centre show in Istanbul. She is 20 years old and is 1.76 m tall. Melissa will represent Turkey at the Miss Universe 2011 Pageant on September 12, 2011 in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Miss Turkey Universe 2011

Melisa Aslı Pamuk (Turkish: [məlɪ́sə ǽzlí pǽmə́g]; born April 14, 1991) is the reigning Turkish beauty pageant titleholder, occasional film actress and model.  Pamuk accepted the crown from Gizem Memiç, Miss Turkey 2010 beauty pageant titleholder.
Miss Turkey Universe 2011 

She is studying Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. She also won the title of “Best Promising” in Best Model of Turkey 2009. She is literally fluent in Turkish, English, Dutch and German and speaks a bit of French. She began modeling at the age of 14.
Miss Turkey Universe 2011
History has it that I am 1/4 Turkish, so it is with great pride that I present these fantastic photos of Miss Turkey 2011.  We wish her the best of luck in the Miss Universe Pageant!
Miss Turkey Universe 2011
Miss Turkey Universe 2011
Miss Turkey Universe 2011
Height1.76 m (5 ft 9 12 in)
Weight58 kg (130 lb; 9.1 st)
Measurements85-62-90 (TR)
32-26-36 (EU-US)
Hair colorBlack
Eye colorBrown
Miss Turkey Universe 2011


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